Council: 30 Raperdas will Be Completed This Year
Reported by Oki Akbar | Translated by Maria Inggita
City Council's Bapemperda will complete 30 from total 45 regulation draft (raperda)s
which are included in Local Regulation Forming Program (Propemperda) for this year.Our target is to complete 30 raperdas this year
"Our target is to complete 30 raperdas this year," said Bestari Barus, (1/8).
According to him, his target is still below of total 45 raperdas in Propemperda 2018. From total 45 raperdas, executive proposes 33 raperdas and legislative 12 raperdas.
Council Has Enacted Four Prioritized Raperda in PropemperdaHe mentioned, sometimes it needs investigation and long discussion in viewing each raperdas. It depends on raperda's complexity.
"We will form four special teams to achieve the target," he expressed.
Another City Council's Bapemperda member, Yuke Yurike explained, 4 of 30 raperdas are prioritized.
Those raperdas are related to RT/RW, regional healthy system, population and civil registration, and amandment of Perda No. 1/2012 about Jakarta spatial plans 2030.
"We are prioritizing some raperdas based on its necessity and importance," she stated.