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Penertiban alat peraga kampanye
Penertiban alat peraga kampanye .
photo Wahyu Ginanjar Ramadhan -

Quiet Period, Satpol PP Lowered Campaign Props

Starting today, the presidential election enters quiet period before the election day on upcoming Wednesday (7/9). With that, Jakarta Satpol PP lowers campaign props installed in various locations.

We directly lowered campaign props simultaneously in five municipalities starting 12 AM until 4 AM. As many as 1,500-2,000 personnel are deployed

“We directly lowered campaign props simultaneously in five municipalities starting 12 AM until 4 AM. As many as 1,500-2,000 personnel are deployed,” stated Head of Jakarta Satpol PP, Kukuh Hadi Santosa, to, Sunday (7/6).

According to Santosa, the operation is not finished yet because there are campaign props billboards which height reaches 24 meters. Thus, his personnel need time to lower those billboards. But, the operation is targeted to finish today.

Campaign Attributes are still Rampant in West Jakarta

“We don’t know yet the exact amount, but small props are around tens of thousands while high billboards are about 80. The target is all campaign props finished lowered today. If not, I will reprimand (Satpol PP personnel),” he asserted.

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