BPRD Targets Ground Water Tax Revenues to Hit Rp 100 B
Reported by TP Moan Simanjuntak | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
umber of groundwater taxpayers in the city is reaching 4,400 taxpayers
City Tax and Levy Board (BPRD), targets the receipt of ground water tax levy this year by Rp 100 billion. The target is equal to 2017 and realized at 98 percent.
City BPRD Head, Edi Sumantri stated, total number of groundwater taxpayers in the city is currently reaching 4,400 taxpayers.
BPRD to Optimize Use of Information TechHe explained, taxpayers charged under groundwater tax levy such as hotels and offices whose groundwater extraction is above 50 cubic meters.
"Total number of groundwater taxpayers in the city is reaching 4,400 taxpayers," he expressed, Thursday (4/19).
He stated, for the recording of groundwater use is the authority of the Industry and Energy Dept. His side only does the tax calculation in accordance with reports from the dept.
He is optimistic that this year's target of Rp 100 billion will be achieved. Up to 18 April, the revenue of ground water tax reached more than Rp 25 billion.
"We're optimistic it will be reached. This is because the dept. still continues to find hotels and offices that have not been recorded," he stated.