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Petugas PPSU Kamal Muara Tangani Genangan Rob di Permukiman
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

PPSU Personnel Handle Coastal Flood in Settlements

10 Kamal Muara PPSU personnel are deployed to handle inundation at three RTs in RW 04 Kamal Muara Urban Village, Penjaringan, North Jakarta due to coastal flood.

Sea water starts to inundate settlement from 11 AM

Kamal Muara Urban Village Head, Dwi Pandji Forkiantoro stated, RT 01, 02, and 03 of RW 04 are inundated by around five centimeters high sea water.

N. Jakarta Mayor Mapping Coastal Issues

"Sea water started to inundate settlement from 11 AM. We have instructed PPSU personnel to drain flood water using pumps," he explained, Monday (11/26).

According to him, sea water inundates the settlement due to coastal flood since NCID embankment construction has not yet reached the area.

"We only have the old embankments. Sea water seeps in from those embankments," he conveyed.

Besides settlement, access road that leads to Adem River Pier in Muara Angke Port is also inundated due to this coastal flood. There is no house damaged due to this incident.

Penjaringan Sub-district Head, Muhamad Andri stated, several roads are inundated because some parts of embankment are broken thus sea water also  seeps into the channel.

"While in port area, tide water enters from pier since there is no embankment in the area. But there is no damage occurred to resident houses," he said.

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