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3 Vendors Left on Tanah Abang Blok G Market Third Floor

The program of street vendor relocation in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, is assessed failed. Now the sidewalks and roadsides there are rampant again with street vendors hawking their wares. They moved out from Tanah Abang Blok G Market because the market is deserted from buyers.

Almost all kiosks are empty. We’ve tried and warned them, but the vendors were hard to control

Based on observations, almost all kiosks on third floor of Tanah Abang Blok G Market are left empty by the vendors. From initially 570 vendors, there are only three vendors now selling cigarettes as well as food and beverage.

Tanah Abang Blok G Market Manager, Namen Suhandi, admitted that the amount of vendors remaining keeps decreasing. As a matter of fact, most vendors were even no longer selling before the second period of free kiosk rent ends this end of month.

Tanah Abang Blok G Market Traders Shift Selling F&B

“Almost all kiosks are empty. We’ve tried and warned them, but the vendors were hard to control. We’re now focused in keeping the vendors on first floor and second floor of this market to stay,” he stated, Thursday (8/14).

According to Suhandi, this condition has been reported to PD Pasar Jaya. Now, his party waits for Jakarta Governor’s decision regarding the re-function of Tanah Abang Blok G Market third floor after it is left by the vendors.

“We also got offer from a group of vendors who want to occupy the empty kiosks on Tanah Abang Blok G Market third floor. Those vendors consist of Pasar Tasik vendors and vendors selling cell phone accessories in front of Tanah Abang Station.

“So, these empty kiosks will be allotted for other vendors,” he told.

Meanwhile, Ramos Siregar (32), one of the remaining vendors on Tanah Abang Blok G Market third floor, disclosed that he is starting to restless selling there since there is no new policy issued yet on kiosk rent extension although the second free kiosk rent period is almost over.

“We haven’t got anything for selling here. We’re even having trouble in paying daily retribution. That’s why, if could, the free kiosk rent period to be extended. To sell on roadside, I don’t have money to pay for the stall. Because of that I choose to keep selling here,” he uttered.

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