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Jembatan Halte Bus Transjakarta Grogol Satu dan Dua Diperbaiki
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Repair on Grogol Bus Shelter's JPO Targeted to Complete in This Month

Repair on pedestrian bridge (JPO) that is connecting Grogol Satu and Grogol Dua Transjakarta Bus Shelters is targeted to complete by the end of this September.

JPO should be repaired thoroughly thus it is safe for pedestrians who use it

PT. Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta) Corporation Secretary and Human Relation Division Head, Nadia Diposanjoyo conveyed, her side cooperates with Bina Marga Department to repair JPO because its structure is damaged after being hit by container some time ago.

"JPO should be repaired thoroughly thus it is safe for pedestrians who use it," she conveyed, Monday (9/16).

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In order to anticipate similar incident to happen again in the future, her side plans to install buffer and  height restriction signs 50 meters before the bridge is located.

"This way JPO can be more protected," she said.

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