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Penguatan Standar Pelayanan Kesehatan, Materi Penting Pada Seminar APJ
photo Agung Supriyanto -

Puskesmas Must Pay Attention to Service Standards

Through UKP and UKM, they are obligated to overcome the problem of non-communicable diseases and health problems

Jakarta Health Agency Head Widyastuti instructs the community health centers (puskesmas) in the capital pay close attention to Minimum Service Standards (SPM).

She disclosed they have a role to improve the quality of services, either Individual Health Efforts (UKP) or Public Health Efforts (UKM) with accreditation and continuous improvement amid growing problems and increasingly critical communities.

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"Through UKP and UKM, they are obligated to overcome the problem of non-communicable diseases and health problems in accordance with the characteristics of the region," she expressed, during the 2019 Jakarta Puskesmas Association (APJ) themed "Strengthening the Capacity of UKM at the BLUD Puskesmas in Welcoming the Industrial Era 4.0" in one of hotels on Jalan Gajah Mada, West Jakarta, Wednesday (10/2).

According to her, flexibility in BLUD should be used to improve services not only UKP, but also UKM, including in terms of budget and finance, management of health human resources, as well as management of puskesmas goods such as facilities, infrastructure and tools.

"This seminar is the first time that aims to strengthen puskesmas in contributing to achieving service standard indicators in the health sector," he explained.

In the seminar, the members are also given a briefing in addressing health issues, either legal or health services.

"Besides silaturahmi, it is also to strengthen the APJ as health agency at city level but also national," she told.

APJ Chairman, Dara Pahlarini expressed this association is a forum for puskesmas communication forums in Jakarta, whose members consist of 44 puskesmas in Jakarta.

"APJ is formed to support puskesmas development to be more exist in creating solutions to resolve problems in the forum like this," he told.

It is participated by 250 members of puskesmas in Jakarta and 10 cities in Indonesia.

"APJ was formed in December 2018, and has been ratified through a decision of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. It has been incorporated since February. By so we want the puskesmas' tasks and objectives to be better in the future

As for the information, the activity is also attended by Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Indonesian Health Services Association Chairperson Krisna Jaya, and several competent speakers.

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