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Antisipasi Banjir, 167 Bus Sekolah Dievakuasi
photo Nurito -

Bus Pool Submerged, 167 School Buses Evacuated in Jakarta Flood

The Jakarta School Transportation Management Unit (UPAS) evacuates 167 school buses to a safer place in a bid to anticipate floods due to overflowing water of Sunter River that has flooded a bus pool at Jalan Raya Pondok Gede, Dukuh, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, on Sunday (2/23) morning.

We do this evacuation, as our bus pool has been flooded

Every bus is moved from the bus pool area to the side of Jalan Raya Pondok Gede and in the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) area.

Jakarta UPAS Head Ali Murthado said evacuation is carried out to anticipate higher floods, which can soak the bus fleet.

City Continues to Anticipate Floods

"We do this evacuation, as our bus pool has been flooded," he expressed.

Its evacuation has been done since 5 AM and it is hoped the condition could be finished soon thus those school buses can be parked in the bus pool area.

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