Kampung Silat Petukangan Foundation Disinfects Several Areas in Pesanggrahan
Reported by TP Moan Simanjuntak | Translated by Maria Inggita
Kampung Silat Petukangan Foundation (YKSP) carried out disinfectant spraying for settlements in five urban villages in Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
We use the hand-sprayer type
YKSP Chairman, Naufal Haryawan stated, disinfection was done as a prevention towards coronavirus transmission in the settlements, especially settlement where the teachers and elders of Pencak Silat Beksi live.
"We use the hand-sprayer type," he added when met at YKSP Headquarter on Jalan Ciledug Raya, Gang Durian I/II, RT 06/04, Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Thursday (4/2).
9 Roads in Kenari Sprayed with DisinfectantAccording to him, this spraying
involved 20 Pencak Silat Beksi students with assistance from civil apparatuses in local urban village, sub-district, and health center (puskesmas)."We will continue to spray other settlements in Pesanggrahan Sub-district," he added.
Meanwhile, Pesanggrahan Sub-district Head, Fadjar Churniawan appreciated YKSP's intention to spray five urban villages in Pesanggrahan with disinfectant. This activity was considered to support Jakarta Provincial Government in fighting coronavirus outbreak in the capital of Jakarta.
"It needs cooperation from all communities to tackle the coronavirus. Thus I really appreciate their efforts for holding this activity," he conveyed.
For information, in this activity, disinfectant spraying was carried out in H. Amir Center Building in Ulujami Indah Housing, Pesanggrahan, then continued to RW 05 and RW 07 in Ulujami, YKSP Office, large family residence of the late H. Godjalih on Jalan Durian 2 Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
Next, H. Godjalih Pencak Silat Beksi School on Jalan Durian 1 Petukangan Utara, Hasanudin's house (Hasanudin is the son of the late Mandor Minggu) on Jalan Duku Petukangan Utara, Mandor Minggu School on Jalan Palem Raya Petukangan Utara, Baba Misin's house (one of Beksi elders) on Jalan Palem Raya Petukangan Utara, and others.