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Sudin SDA Jaksel Kebut Pembangunan Pintu Air Taman Dadap Merah
photo Mustaqim Amna -

Taman Dadap Merah Sluice Gate Development in Kebagusan Accelerated

South Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency continues to speed up the Taman Dadap Merah Sluice Gate development on Jalan Kebagusan Dalam, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu that has been carried out since April 22.

This work progress has touched 65 percent

The sluice gate itself has 3.6 meters with 2 meters height and 1.5 meters width and is targeted to be complete by the end of June.

"This work progress has touched 65 percent. To do it, we involve five personnel plus one excavator," expressed Maintenance Division Head, Junjung, Monday (6/8).

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To finish it, his side also gets assistance from personnel of Pasar Minggu Sub-district SDA Executing Unit

"If it is done, the gate will control water debit during rainy season and meet water needs in dry season," he stated.

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