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 Banjir Rob di Pantai Mutiara Surut
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

SDA Handles Tidal Flood at Pantai Mutiara

Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Agency ensured to handle tidal flood which caused inundation in Pantai Mutiara, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, until receded.

Since it has receded, we just patch leaks on the embankment using sand sacks, river rocks and dolken woods

Jakarta SDA Agency Head, Juaini Yusuf mentioned, emergency embankment built to overcome the tidal flood from sand sacks and other materials such as river rocks, bamboo, and dolken woods. His side deployed 9 dump trucks to transport river rocks, 1,000 dolken woods, 500 bamboo poles, and sand sacks.

"Since it has receded, we just patch leaks on the embankment using sand sacks, river rocks and dolken woods. SDA Agency and Sub-agency Units in five Jakarta regions have been deployed to repair the embankment with assistance from PUPR Ministry," he explained, Monday (6/8).

Anticipating Tidal Floods, Embankments in Thousand Islands will Be Elevated

Tidal flood, he continued, flooded Pantai Mutiara settlement on Saturday (6/6) due to several factors, such as the full moon phase, sea level, high potential of wave, and combination of tides. Those conditions caused sea water to rise, then tidal flood occurred in coastal areas of Jakarta, especially in Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

"It is a natural phenomena. Moreover, the highest tide was predicted to occur on last Saturday night. This incident is not only happened in Jakarta, but also in other coastal areas from Bekasi to Pekalongan. Yesterday, we have patched the embankment's leaks. We operate 13 mobile pump units to drain the water on the location," he said.

Even though it has receded, his side continued to deploy around 6 mobile pumps in the location. Besides, developer or management of housing which affected by tidal flood has planned to build permanent embankment to anticipate and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

"We don't know who is authorized to handle this incident, but for now, we have to fix it first to help the locals who are affected by flood. For permanent embankment repair, we will talk with the developer, management, and related ministry," he closed.

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