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Bangun Tiang Pancang MRT, 13 Oktober Nanti, JPO Blok M Dibongkar
photo Yopie Oscar -

Blok M Pedestrian Bridge No Longer Exists

Because of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project, Blok M pedestrian bridge that connects Blok M Plaza with Martha Tiahahu Park is about to be demolished on October 13-25.

The demolition is intended to construct the elevated section stake of MRT at Blok M.

PT MRT Director, Dono Boestami, there will be pedestrian path through Jalan Mahakam and Jalan Panglima Polim as the pedestrian bridge replacement.

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Zebra cross in front of Martha Tiahahu Park and Attorney General Building will be made to ease society's activity.

"Those two replacement will be constructed first before the pedestrian bridge is demolished," Dono said, Friday (10/10).

Along with this relocation, Blok M will be more traffic in certain hour because there is heavy equipment at the location.

"Engineering Traffic Management will be applied to minimize traffic jam. This is applied during pedestrian bridge relocation," Dono added.

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