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Saluran Phb Asem Gede di Matraman Dikuras
photo Nurito -

Matraman SDA Unit Cleans Asem Gede Connecting Channel

Today, Matraman Sub-district Water Resources (SDA) Unit cleans up connecting (Phb) channel located on Jl. Asem Gede Utara, Gg. Melati III, RT 005/002, Utan Kayu Selatan Urban Village, Matraman, East Jakarta.

We clean it to anticipate inundation and flooding in the area

Matraman Sub-district SDA Unit Coordinator, Agus conveyed, the connecting channel has length about 250 meters and he deploys 10 personnel to clean the channel manually.

"We clean it to anticipate inundation and flooding in the area," he stated, Thursday (8/27).

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The current cleaning process has reached about 20 percent or 30 meters of 250 meters in total.

"We estimate it to finish in the middle of September," he closed.

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