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 10 PPSU Kelurahan Petogogan Lakukan Pembersihan Saluran di RW 02
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Waste Left by Flooding in Petogongan Cleaned

After it is cleaned, the water in the drains will flow smoothly and the environment will be clean again

As many as 10 PPSU personnel are cleaning up waste left by the flooding in RW 02, Petogongan Urban Village, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

Petogongan Urban Village Head M. Noor said, yesterday, the Krukut River overflowed and flooded RW 02 with the water level around 30-60 centimeters. As a result, this disaster left a lot of waste in the drains.

60 Kg of Waste Transported from Tugu Selatan

"The flood receded quickly. Currently the area is completely dry but still leaves a lot of waste. That's why today we send PPSU personnel to the location," he expressed.

Aside that, his side also sent three waste motor carts (germor) to transport the waste.

"After it is cleaned, the water in the drains will flow smoothly and the environment will be clean again," he closed.

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