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Saluran Air di Gang Macan di Dibersihkan
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Drain Dredging Work at Gg Macan Has Reached 70 Percent

To do it, we have sent 30 personnel to the location that aims to anticipate flooding

The West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency accelerates the dredging of the drain at Gg Macan, RT 10/01, Kedoya Utara, Kebon Jaruk and has touched 70 percent.

Kedoya Utara Urban Village Head Tubagus Masarul Iman said dredging on drain as long as 250 meters with 100 centimeters width and 200 centimeters height had been carried out since September 31.

Duri River Dredging Work Has Reached 90 Percent

"To do it, we have sent 30 personnel to the location that aims to anticipate flooding," he said, Monday (10/12).

He continued, every day, the personnel had collected 300 sacks of mud and waste. In total, they managed to collect 3,900 sacks.

"We're targeting to finish it this week," he closed.

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