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Saluran Jl Tongkol Ancol Dikuras
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Ancol SDA Unit Dredges Channel on Jl. Tongkol

North Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency dredged channel located on Jalan Tongkol, RT 09/01, Ancol, Pademangan.

We started the work this morning. Hopefully it can be finished this afternoon

Ancol Sub-district SDA Unit Head, Slamet Riyanto mentioned, mud dredging was carried out to anticipate inundation when the rain falls. Moreover the channel was mostly covered by mud.

"This channel has width of 80 centimeters and depth of 1.2 meters. While the mud's thickness reaches 1 meter. It causes the channel can't be optimal to drain water," he explained, Wednesday (12/9).

Channel Construction Work on Jalan Sulaiman Reaches 70 Percent

In this dredging work, his side deployed 9 personnel to dredge mud manually. Now its progress has reached 500 meters.

"We started the work this morning. Hopefully it can be finished this afternoon," he said.

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