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Kepulauan Seribu Rencanakan Perbaikan Jalan Sepanjang 30 Ribu Meter Persegi Tahun Ini
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30,587 Square Meters Roads in Thousand Islands will Be Repaired This Year

This year, Thousand Islands Regency Technical Work Unit (UKT) 2 plans to repair 30,587 square meters roads in 4 of 11 residential islands in Thousand Islands with allocation budget about Rp 15 billion.

Road repair work will be started in early February and targeted to finish by the end of this year

"We will consider the priority scale and road damages in repairing the roads," said Sofyan, Thousand Islands Regency UKT 2 Head, Tuesday (1/19).   

In detail, his side plans to repair roads as wide as 4,954 square meters in Pari Island, 11,462 square meters in Tidung Island, 4,171 square meters in Harapan Island, and 10,000 square meters in Panggang Island.

Road Repair Work in Thousand Islands Completed

"Road repair work will be started in early February and targeted to finish by the end of this year," he conveyed.

Meanwhile, other residential islands cannot be included in this year's road repair plan due to various reasons, including budget rationalization and Wastewater Treatment Installation (IPAL) channels construction on main roads and collector roads, such as in Kelapa Island and Sebira Island.

"Roads that cannot be repaired in this year will be budgeted next year," he mentioned.

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