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 254.16 meter Perrsegi Jalan Rusak di Palmerah Telah Ditambal
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

160 Damaged Road Points Repaired in Palmerah

In January-March period, as many as 160 damaged roads in Palmerah Sub-district, West Jakarta have been repaired using cold mix or cold asphalt.

In total, we use 468 sacks of cold mix to repair 254.16 square meters or 160 damaged road points

Palmerah Sub-district Bina March Unit Head, Made Widhi stated, several parts of roads were damaged because of excessive vehicle tonnage and inundation, especially when heavy rain falls.

13 Potholes on Jalan MT Haryono Have Been Repaired

"In total, we use 468 sacks of cold mix to repair 254.16 square meters or 160 damaged road points," he explained, Monday (3/29).

In details, his side repaired 73.96 square meters in January, 176.04 square meters in February, and 4.16 square meters in March.

This repair is expected to make road users to feel more safe and comfortable when using the road. He also asked that public facilities in properly maintained.

"After it is repaired, we hope people can take care of it," he asserted.

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