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 Jabat Sebagai Ketua, Gubernur Anies Sampaikan 6 Agenda Pembahasan Mayor Summit U20 Tahun 2022
photo Yudha Peta Ogara -

In the Upcoming U20 Mayors Summit, Anies Prepares Agenda for 6 Major Discussions

Attending U20 Mayors Summit 2021 virtually with G20 leaders on last Friday (9/3), Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan conveyed his ideas related to challenges during COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis that require special attention. On the occasion, he also mentioned about six interesting phenomena that occurred in cities after the pandemic, which will be agenda for discussion at next year's Mayors Summit U20.

Jakarta will host U20 Mayors Summit in 2022 that will take theme of "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" and Anies will be U20 Chairman

For information, Jakarta will host U20 Mayors Summit in 2022 that will take theme of "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" and Anies will be U20 Chairman. First, the need for housing that supports residents productivity at affordable prices.

Throughout 2019, Anies Only Made Twice Working Visits

"Global trend shows increasing demand for housing that is not only able to maintain residents health, but also suitable to support their productivity. Because more people are deciding to continue working from home. So, this kind of housing must be affordable," he said as quoted from Jakarta PPID Press Release, Saturday (9/4).

Second is the future of property industry. As is known, the contribution of property sector in urban areas worldwide decreased by 29% in 2020. The view of empty offices is now uncommon, including in Jakarta. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink the future of property industry in cities around the world.

Third is about sustainability mobility access for everyone. COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have forced cities to reconsider relationship between mobility, urban space, and health, taking into account physical distancing, as well as residents mobility.

"Now, the question is not about how cities provide infrastructure to support mobility, but how cities ensure equal access to sustainable mobility. That is the problem we need to think about," he stated.

The fourth issue is about work. As side effect of the pandemic, global unemployment rose 1.1%. On the other hand, there is growing demand for new skills to support promising green industry and digital economy. "The question is, how can cities accommodate a transformation in labor market for a greener future?" he added.

Fifth is lack of social interaction during pandemic which has an impact on residents' mental health. Long-term home quarantine and phenomenon of working from home can lead to burnout as well increased online bullying. The last point is the increasing number of orphans during pandemic.

Data shows that there have been at least 4.5 million deaths due to COVID-19. It has made children to lose their primary and secondary caregivers. Thus, it is necessary to think about how to facilitate the future of children who have lost family members due to COVID-19. "With these six problems, this is the time to reflect. This is the time to rearrange. Most importantly, this is the time to act together. Because the city's future is in everyone's hands," he asserted.

On this occasion, he also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given as U20 Chairman next year and the readiness of Jakarta to continue messages related to 3P (People-Planet-Prosperity).

"In this special occasion, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be next Chairman of Urban20 in 2022. Jakarta will continue the interesting messages about 3P and look forward to working with all of U20 city leaders, organizers, and partners to strengthen our collective voice in Indonesian Presidency at the next G20," he closed.

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