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Sudin Bina Marga Jakbar Percantik Jembatan di Jalan Joglo Raya
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Bridge on Jl. Joglo Raya Repainted

Bridge located in front of Kebon Jeruk Villa on Jalan Joglo Raya, Kebon Jeruk, was repainted by West Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency personnel on Saturday (10/9).

It needs to be repainted because the iron railing is already dull

West Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency's Field Coordinator, Yayan said, his side deployed 10 personnel to paint two sides of the bridge along 12 meters.

"It needs to be repainted because the iron railing is already dull," he conveyed.

Connecting Road on Jl. Raya Sukabumi Selatan Repaired

Repainting is expected to make the bridge looks more clean and beautiful.

"Dominant color is yellow to make it looks brighter for the safety of road users," he mentioned.

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