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Akhir November Pendestrian Cikini-Kramat Rampung
photo Anita Karyati -

Progress of Sidewalk Revitalization on Jalan Raden Saleh Raya has Reached 90 Percent

Sidewalk revitalization work along Jalan Raya raden Saleh, Cikini Urban Village, Menteng Sub-district has now reached 90 percent. It was targeted to be completed by the end of November.

God willing, the sidewalk can be used by pedestrian at the end of November

Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency Head, Agustio stated, his side revitalized sidewalk along 1.2 kilometers with width 3 meters. It was installed with guiding blocks for disabled people.

"Currently, revitalization project has reached 90 percent. God willing, the sidewalk can be used by pedestrian at the end of November," he informed, Wednesday (11/24).

Broken Sidewalk on Marunda Access Road Fixed

According to him, third party who revitalized the sidewalk will be responsible in repairing it if there is damage until the next two years. After that, the maintenance will be handed over to Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency.

"We ask residents to take care of this sidewalk and make sure not to change its function. Because, as we know, sidewalk is used as pedestrian access," he conveyed.

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