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60 Jakprenuer Ikut Bazaar Murah Akhir Tahun di Kantor Walikota Jakut
photo Suparni -

60 Jakprenuers Enliven Year-end Cheap Bazaar at Jakarta Mayor's Office

As many as 60 Jakpreneurs under seven sub-agencies in North Jakarta are participating in the year-end cheap bazaar held in the courtyard of the Mayor Office's Yos Sudarso Hall, on Thursday (12/16).

It will be held from today until tomorrow

Yati Sudiharti, Sub-agency Head of North Jakarta Industry Trade Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (PPKUKM) said, it was the first time doing it offline amid outbreak. Residents and ASNs were quite enthusiastic about welcoming it.

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"They sell a variety of products, ranging from culinary, fashion, handicrafts and other basic necessities. It will be held from today until tomorrow," she said.

According to her, it was important to support them to exist, produce, showcase and market their products, which aims to boost the economy and create jobs.

Aside that, it received an appreciation from Jakarta Dharma Wanita Chairwoman, Komariah Marullah.

"Such events must continue to be held for the revival of the economy. Moreover, the products marketed today are quite good in terms of packaging and taste. Certainly, it requires continuous coaching from the sub-agency," she said.

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