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Jakarta Strategic Center: Penjabat Gubernur Diharapkan Lanjutkan Program Strategis
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JSC: Acting Jakarta Governor Expected to Continue Strategic Program

The Jakarta Strategic Center (JSC) wants the Acting Jakarta Governor to continue strategic programs.

This development must be conducted for the benefit of the wider community

In a statement made at a cafe on Jalan Rawamangun, Central Jakarta on Tuesday (5/17), JSC assessed the importance of the development programs that have been running under the leadership of Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and his partner Ahmad Riza Patria to next.

JSC's Working Group (Pokja) Gea Hermansyah said strategic projects had to be continued properly, instead of stalled.

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"This development must be conducted for the benefit of the wider community," he expressed.

He explained that the acting Governor should also pay great attention to Jakarta after it did not become the State Capital (IKN).

"This acting Governor must also be able to oversee policies related to the specifics of Jakarta, especially regarding the revision of Law No. 29/2007," he explained.

Another JSC Pokja member Endriansah added that a strategic escort process would be carried out on the leadership transition process within the Jakarta administration which would be led by an Acting Governor.

"The acting Governor is under the authority of the President. Hope the acting Governor will be elected following the wishes of the wider community, especially Jakartans," he hoped.

According to him, the elected acting Governor was expected to continue the work program of the previous definitive governor which had not been completed.

"The work program that has been budgeted for in the City Budget (APBD) must be completed," he added.

There was also JSC Pokja Member Jim Lomen Sihombing who said that his party would focus on ensuring that the steps and work programs of the elected Governor were free from the political interests.

"We also want the acting Governor to have a good track record. There may be alternative names other than those currently circulating, namely Heru Budi Hartono, Marullah Matali, and Juri Ardiantoro," he uttered.

Then JSC Pokja Member Andi Wijaya, popularly called Adjie Rimbawan said that JSC has no candidate. It means that as long as the figure is qualified and meets the criteria, it will be supported.

"We'll submit our hopeful proposal to the Ministry of Home. Hopefully, the acting Governor will give the best for its residents," he stated.

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