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Pemprov DKI Gelar Apel Kesiapsiagaan Libur Idulfitri 1444H
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Heru: Jakarta will Be Safe During Idul Fitri Holidays

Entering the month of Ramadan, which is only a few days away, Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono held a Call for Jakarta Provincial Government's Preparedness Ahead of Idul Fitri 1444 Hijri.

Prior to mudik period, the ranks on duty are not on leave

On that occasion, the Acting Governor was accompanied by Jakarta Government Secretary Assistant, Sigit Widjatmoko; Jakarta Satpol PP Head, Arifin; Jakarta Transportation Agency Head, Syafrin Liputo; and Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency (Gulkarmat) Head, Satriadi Gunawan.

He appreciated all staff who were tasked with providing services and maintaining security and public order during Ramadan.

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"Thank you for the high dedication of Satpol PP, Transportation Agency, and Gulkarmat Agency that are constantly protecting Jakarta, even though they are still on duty on the weekends," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Tuesday (4/11).

He also urged all levels of regional apparatuses as stakeholders to prepare themselves to provide the best service in order to smoothen the homecoming flow and the community gets optimal service.

In addition, all levels are also encouraged to carry out cross-sectoral coordination with related agencies, such as the TNI/police, community leaders, and transportation service providers, to ensure proper readiness in dealing with potential vulnerabilities during the mudik exodus.

"Prior to mudik period, the ranks on duty are not on leave. Thank you for that. The Transportation Agency together with Satpol PP and TNI/police continue to work together to protect Jakarta," he added.

He also instructed Satpol PP to coordinate with mayors/regents and community leaders to conduct patrols and monitor residents' homes to prevent crime and disasters from occurring in residential areas of residents who were abandoned while going to hometown.

"I suggest working around two to three people at one point, not alone. And in carrying out your duties, don't forget to maintain your health," he added.

Then the Transportation Agency were also instructed to coordinate with transportation service providers related to the readiness of the mudik transportation. Further, they were also asked to coordinate with the Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate regarding the installation of traffic signs. This is realized by placing officers at every corner of the main homecoming route, to reduce the potential for congestion and traffic accidents that can occur during the mudik period.

Meanwhile, the Gulkarmat Agency was ordered to coordinate with mayors/regents and community leaders to socialize the dangers of fire and what needs to be done, thus homes and shops left behind will remain safe, especially in vulnerable areas such as densely populated settlements, places of worship, markets, and tourist attractions.

"Should something undesirable happen, of course we have to be prepared. Hopefully, there are no unwanted things. Even though Jakarta is rather quiet, keep an eye out for people in crowded tourist spots, malls, thus people can stay comfortable during their long holidays," he concluded.

As for the information, the Jakarta Government has prepared infrastructure and facilities for mudik transportation. For mudik transportation infrastructure, 4 main terminals and 3 backup terminals have been prepared, including monitoring posts at each terminal.

• 4 main terminals:

- Pulogebang

- Kampung Rambutan

- Kalideres

- Tanjung Priok

• 3 backup terminals:

- Grogol

- Muara Angke

- Lebak Bulus

As for mudik transportation facilities, the Jakarta Government has prepared 2,258 buses from 152 autobus companies that serve intercity and interprovincial services. In addition, vehicle safety inspections and driver health checks were carried out in all type A terminals in Jakarta with certain capacities, namely:

- Capacity of vehicle ramp check is 92 buses/day

- Capacity for driver's health check is 135 people/day

Jakarta Government also provides free mudik program by using 482 buses that can carry 19,280 passengers and 23 trucks that can transport 690 motorcycles for 6 provinces and 19 districts/cities. Free mudik will be carried out on April 16-17 for mudik transportation and April 27-28 for returning flow transportation.

In the context of organizing the mudik transportation, the Transportation Agency has also deployed 2,630 traffic security personnel, namely:

- Readiness of Jakarta Operational Area Railroad Fleet (DAOP) 1 has also been prepared with 69 trains and 1,012 personnel

- For sea transportation, there are 10 vessels that can carry 488 passengers, 21 additional vessels that can carry 3,845 passengers, and 19 private vessels that can carry 1,183 passengers

- There are also 13 monitoring areas and 6 post points for the Sea Transportation which have been prepared

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