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Heru - Polda Metro Jaya Trials Traffic Engineering to Parse Jams at Santa Intersection

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono and Polda Metro Jaya Chief, Insp. Gen. Karyoto, observed a traffic engineering trial at the Santa Red Light Junction, South Jakarta, Friday (4/14), which aims to parse traffic jams in the capital.

Traffic engineering will be applied in stages

Besides them, it was also attended by Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) Head, Syafrin Liputo; South Jakarta Mayor, Munjirin; and Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate, Com. Pol. Latif Usman.

As a link between Jalan Wijaya and Jalan Wolter Monginsidi towards Jalan Captain Tendean, the area was engineered to smoothen traffic. Therefore, the Acting Governor has coordinated with Polda Metro Jaya regarding the potential for implementing traffic engineering in other areas.

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"We have seen today's traffic engineering at one point (the Santa Red Light intersection), and I have reported it to the Polda Metro Jaya Chief to conduct inspections in various areas which are often points of traffic jams. Traffic engineering can be applied in other locations," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.

He expressed his appreciation to Polda Metro Jaya for the synergy that had been built regarding the decomposition of unraveling the points prone to traffic jams in Jakarta. He also asked the Polda Metro Jaya Chief to instruct each resort police to look for various congestion points for the best solution.

"Traffic engineering will be applied in stages and hopefully we can unravel the jam. Our thanks and appreciation go to the police chief and its staff. Hopefully, every police in Jakarta can see the potential for jams like this (Santa Red Light Junction), even though it's a one-way street, but the loop isn't very far," he stated.

Aside that, he also received reports from the Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate and Transportation Agency (Dishub) that usually from Jalan Wijaya to Jalan Wolter Monginsidi it takes two hours when passing the Santa Red Light Junction. When testing traffic engineering, it can reduce the time to only one hour.

"Earlier, some felt uncomfortable when they entered from Jalan Kapten Tendean, as it added the route (Jalan Suryo). But just now when we calculated the duration of the red light, they were able to reduce the mileage with the engineering we did. Because this is still a trial run, motorists who protest that they can't turn right will get used to it. This is for the convenience of all parties," he concluded.

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