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 1.832 Lowongan Pekerjaan Dibuka Dalam Kegiatan Job Fair di Jakbar
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

West Jakarta: Thousands of Vacancies at Seasons City Mall Job Fair

The West Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy Sub-agency (Nakertransgi) is currently holding a Job Fair, offering 1,832 vacancies in Seasons City Mall, Jalan Prof Dr Latumenten, Jembatan Besi Urban Village, Tambora Sub-district.

Of course, this fair is very beneficial

West Jakarta Deputy Mayor, Hendra Hidayat who opened the fair stated the fair, which is being held from May 23 to 24, 2023, offered vacancies in 40 companies.

Every year, the number of job seekers in Jakarta continues to grow. It is due to the increase in final level school and tertiary graduates, as well as the flow of urbanization in Jakarta.

Job Fair at Mangga Dua Square Offers 2,195 Vacancies

"That's why, looking for job in Jakarta must be balanced with competence to meet the requirements desired by the company," he expressed, Tuesday (5/23).

He went on to say that the Nakertransgi Sub-agency had designed programs to address the high number of job seekers. One of them was by holding the first wave of the 2023 job fair at Seasons City Mall.

"Job Fair is held to facilitate between job seekers and companies that need workers according to the competencies required by the company. Of course, this fair is very beneficial so hopefully it can reduce the number of job seekers, especially in West Jakarta," he explained

West Nakertransgi Sub-agency Head, Jackson Sitorus explained the first batch of fair at Seasons City Mall takes place starting at 10 AM - 4 PM.

"Hopefully, it can reduce the number of job seekers in West Jakarta," he hoped.

Sashi (19), a Job Fair participant at Seasons City Mall said that it was the first time she had participated in a job fair. Therefore, she hoped to be accepted to work in the company she wants.

"I just graduated from Vocational High School (SMK) in 2022. And this is my first experience taking part in the fair. My hope is I can be accepted to work at the company I want,” said the resident of Jatipulo, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

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