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Tiga Taman di Jakpus Dipercantik Jelang HUT Jakarta
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

4,307 Qurban Animals in North Jakarta Have Undergone Health Examination

The North Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture, and Food Security (KPKP) Sub-agency has examined 4,307 qurban animals in 61 shelters spread across six sub-districts. Those animals consisted of 2,764 cows, 1,358 goats, and 185 sheep.

Afterwards, we will carry out a health check on the qurban animal at the slaughtering site

North Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency Head, Unang Rustanto said the health examination for qurban animals to the shelter locations had been carried out since last Monday (6/5). As of Tuesday (6/20), inspections had targeted 61 locations.

"There are a total of 106 locations for qurban animal shelters which are spread across six sub-districts," he expressed, Wednesday (6/21).

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After undergoing a long examination, six of the qurban animals had scabies, namely they had no appetite and were weak. The six animals consisted of five cows and one goat.

While examination of the condition of the animals did not find any disabled goats, cows or sheep. He asserted that the health checks for qurban animals at the shelter will continue until next Tuesday (6/27).

"Afterwards, we will carry out a health check on the qurban animal at the slaughtering site," he stated.

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