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Peringati WED, BBPOM Jakarta Tanam Pohon Obat di Waduk Brigif
photo Istimewa -

Commemorating WED, Jakarta BBPOM Plants Medicinal Trees in Brigif Reservoir

The Jakarta Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BBPOM) carries out the action of planting medicinal plants as part of a series of activities to commemorate 2023 World Environment Day (WED).

I thank you for the support of all levels

This simultaneous planting is a form of fairness and BPOM's concern for environmental sustainability with the theme "BBPOM Support through the Movement to Plant 10,000 Medicinal Plants Simultaneously throughout Indonesia".

It was led by Jakarta BBPOM Head, Sofiyani Chandrawati Anwar at the Brigif Reservoir, South Jakarta, in collaboration with related stakeholders, namely Cipedak Urban Village, Parks and City Forest Sub-district, and KPKP Sub-agency.

Central Jakarta - BPOM Conducts Integrated Food Safety Monitoring and Evaluation

She expressed her gratitude for the collaboration of stakeholders in carrying out reforestation in the form of planting medicinal plants in the Brigif reservoir.

"I thank you for the support of all levels of Cipedak Urban Village, Jagakarsa Sub-district, as well as community leaders and LMK and those who have helped plant medicinal plants," she expressed, in a written statement, Monday (7/17)

Her party was working with the local urban village to plant around 100 medicinal plants around the Brigif reservoir which took place yesterday.

"What we planted today included trees type salam, noni, saga, belimbing wuluh, kelor, lime, jarak, avocado, and mahkota," he expressed.

He hoped that planting trees in the Brigif Reservoir could help make the surrounding air healthier and fresher, help restore, land function, and water absorption.

"And can be used as a medicinal plant by the people around the reservoir," he stated.

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