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Pembangunan Rumah Pompa Patra Tuntas Dikerjakan
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Patra Pump House Construction Completed

West Jakarta Water Resources Sub-agency has completed the construction of pump house on Jalan Patra, RT 08/02, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk.

Now we are installing two pump units with each capacity 500 liters per second

Sub-agency Head, Purwanti, said the construction which was started in October 2023 ago has been handed over from contractor on February 3, 2024.

Patra Pump House Construction Reaches 95 Percent

"Now we are installing two pump units with each capacity 500 liters per second," she said, Monday (2/12).

Purwanti admitted the pump units installation have reached 95 percent and is targeted to complete by mid of February 2024.

"it is hoped the pumps will eliminate inundation on Jalan Patra," she hoped.

Yoyo Kusnadi (55), a local resident,  admitted happy with the existence of this pump house. He hopes the pump house will eliminate inundation.

"Jalan Patra is prone to inundation during rainy season. It is hoped the pump house will eliminate it," he hoped.

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