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Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru Intervensi 6 Balita Terindikasi Stunting
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Assistance Given to Toddler Indicated with Stunting in Kebayoran Baru

Kebayoran Baru Sub-district apparatus, South Jakarta, gave assistance for toddlers indicated with stunting at Kramat Pela Urban Village and Cipete Utara Urban Village.

We will routinely monitor their growth

Kebayoran Baru Sub-district's Community Welfare Section Head, Yusi Mutia, explained three toddlers indicated with stunting in Kramat Pela Urban Village and Cipete Utara Urban Village received assistance in form of extra food to gain their nutrition.

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"We distribute the assistance together with PKK cadre, Posyandu and health personnel directly to their houses," she said, Tuesday (2/27).

Yusi added the personnel also measure the height and weight to monitor the growth.

"We will routinely monitor their growth," she added.

According to her, the personnel also gave education to the mothers of toddler indicated with stunting.

"It is hoped our effort in handling stunting will run smooth and make good result," she continued.

We also appealed the parents of toddlers indicated with stunting to routinely monitor their babies health in Posyandu or Puskesmas.

"Our intervention through South Jakarta Administration program namely Go Tuntas JS or private's CSR will remain be held," she concluded.

Meanwhile, Cipete Utara Urban Village, Supriyanto, admitted there are 29 toddlers indicated with stunting in his area. Various stunting handling programs are being run.

"The number of stunting case is dynamic, but we'll try give our best for residents," he stated.

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