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 43 Balita Akses Layanan Posyandu di Kelurahan Kemayoran
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

43 Toddlers Get Health Service at Kemayoran Posyandu

As many as 43 toddlers received health service at RW 01 Posyandu of Kemayoran Urban Village, Central Jakarta. The program which was attended by Central Jakarta TP PKK Chairwoman, Ucu Jamilah, was also participated by 45 elderlies.

Increase nutrition for elderlies and toddlers to avoid stunting

Ucu Jamilah said that the services included health service and extra food distribution such as egg, banana, bread and so on.

Assistance Given to Toddler Indicated with Stunting in Kebayoran Baru

"Extra food distribution is aimed to increase nutrition for elderlies and toddlers to avoid stunting," she said, Tuesday (2/27).

Ucu also hopes the Posyandu can detect toddlers growth and elderlies illness. It means quick treatment can be run as soon as possible.

Kemayoran Urban Village Head, Fitriah Sari, explained this toddler and elderly Posyandu is integrated with family information center.

"I hope this service will continue as well. Not only for health service, the program is also used by resident to meet each other," she closed.

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