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 Pengaspalan di Jalan Haji Beden Diapresiasi Warga
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Residents Appreciate Maintenance of Jalan Haji Beden

Maintenance of Jalan Haji Beden in RT 10/02, Pondok Labu Urban Village, Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta has received appreciation from residents.

Hopefully, what we do can provide benefits to residents

RT 10/02 Chairman, Niman said by maintaining or repairing the road, it would provide more comfort and safety for people.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), our aspirations regarding the need to repair Jalan Haji Beden through the Development Planning Conference 2023 can be realized," he expressed, Wednesday (2/28).

Channel Improvement on Jalan Pahlawan Completed

He explained good road conditions could also make vehicles less easily damaged and could minimize traffic accident because of potholes during the rainy season.

"Thank you to the Cilandak Sub-district Bina Marga Implementation Unit for its extraordinary efforts in carrying out road asphalting in this area. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly until it's finished," he explained.

Cilandak Sub-district Bina Marga Executing Unit Head, Nelson uttered ten were involved in this work with supporting tools.

"In overall, maintenance on Jalan Haji Beden is carried out covering an area of 668 square meters," he explained.

It is part of efforts to provide the best service to the community.

"Hopefully, what we do can provide benefits to residents," he stated.

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