Hundreds of UNJ Students Participate in Ngobrol Bareng Beritajakarta
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
As many as 300 academics from five study programs of the Faculty of Sports Science, Negeri Jakarta University (UNJ) took part in the Ngobrol Bareng Beritajakarta activity (chat together) on campus with the theme "The Role of Media in Sports".
Hopefully, it can provide education and improve insight into mass media and sports
It was attended by competent speakers, namely Sports Expert, Johansyah Lubis, and Okezone Deputy Chief Editor and Senior Sports Journalist, Fetra Malina Hariandja. Then the Moderator was Bagus Priambodo, a Producer and Presenter of TV One Sports.
Beritajakarta Editor-in-Chief and Public Information Management Sub-Group Chairman, Bima Agung, said that today's Ngobrol Bareng Beritajakarta is the first time on campus.
SMKN 28 Gets Socialization on Beritajakarta and JAKI App"Hopefully, it can provide education and improve insight into mass media and sports, as well as becoming a bridge for partnerships between universities, the media industry, and the development of the world of sports," he expressed, at the location, UNJ Sports Center, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Thursday (3/7).
He explained it was also a suggestion for socializing development policies or programs the Jakarta Provincial Government implemented.
"Alhamdulillah (thank God), our presence here received a good response and high enthusiasm from academics at UNJ, especially students," he explained.
According to him, the same activity would become a routine agenda by visiting other campuses in Jakarta with different themes.
"Also an implementation of Law Number 14/2008 on Openness of Public Information," he explained.
UNJ Deputy for Student Affairs III, Novi Marlina Siregar uttered that it was very interesting and was packed with chatting together. Surely, the material was very useful.
"Very good synergy, hopefully, it can be sustainable. The world of sports and campuses need mass media, and vice versa," she stated.
Sports Expert, Johansyah Lubis admitted that he supported this activity, especially since participants could actively ask questions or give opinions or input.
"I previously delivered material related to the National Sports Grand Design (DBON) which has been designed and regulated by law, thus it can be realized. We certainly also hope that the budget allocation for sports can be increased," he added.
One of the college students for UNJ Sports Training Study Program, Alfiana Agustiani (22) admitted that she was very interested in participating in Ngobrol Bareng Beritajakarta because she could gain insight into sports and mass media from the sources present.
"Very interesting and enlightening. Moreover, after the activity, we were given certificates which were very useful for the needs of the trial and added value," she admitted.
The same statement also came from an 8th-semester student at UNJ, Dio Januarsyah.
"The speakers are very competent. The material is very interesting and can improve knowledge, very happy," she admitted.
As for the information, to add to the event's excitement, there were question-and-answer games and merchandise for students.