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Pj Gubernur DKI Optimis Perekonomian Jakarta Bertumbuh Selama Tahun 2024
photo Andri Widiyanto -

City's Economy will Grow throughout 2024, Heru Says

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono is optimistic that Jakarta's economy will continue to grow in 2024.

City's economy will keep growing

"City's economy will keep growing until the end of this year and inflation rates will keep being controlled," he expressed, after he attended the Opening Ceremony of the Jakarta Creative Festival (JaKreatiFest) and the Jakarta Great Sale Festival (FJGS) 2024 at Kota Kasablanka Mall, South Jakarta, Friday (6/7).

According to him, his party had an international standard activity agenda, namely the Jakarta International Marathon (JIM) to welcome Jakarta's 497th anniversary which would have an impact on Jakarta's economic growth.

JaKreatifest and FJGS 2024 to Strengthen Economy into Global City

"Including activities held by the Bank Indonesia Jakarta Representative Office, thus Jakarta's economic figures continue to rise," he explained.

Bank Indonesia Jakarta Representative Office Head, Arlyana Abubakar uttered Jakarta's economy remained strong amidst global economic uncertainty.

"This is reflected in the Jakarta economy in the first quarter of 2024 still growing at around 2.78. Then the inflation rate was still maintained at 2.08 in May 2024," he explained.

He added Jakarta is now ready to become a global city that becomes a center of trade, providing financial services and national and global business.

"This is also in line with the implementation of the Law on DKJ Jakarta," he added.

According to him, Jakarta, becoming a global city, requires a reliable ecosystem, including digitalization.

"The digitalization of payments in Jakarta, which is reflected in the regional government transaction electronification index, has now reached 98.3 percent," he added.

It was in line with the ratio of QRIS usage to local income which reached 0.51 percent. Then the use of regional government digital revenue channels increased to 38 percent of total taxes and levies.

"Also until April 2024, QRIS usage in Jakarta was 5.78 million. And in terms of QRIS transaction volume in Jakarta, it will reach 462.52 million throughout 2024," he said.

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