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Ratusan Balita di RW 06 Cipete Selatan Manfaatkan Layanan Posyandu
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

150 Toddlers in RW 06 Cipete Selatan Underwent Health Medical Check-Up

As many as 150 toddlers living in RW 06, Cipete Selatan Urban Village, Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta, underwent a health medical check-up at Anggur Wine III Posyandu, Jalan Wine III.

They (cadres) must be able and accustomed to using anthropometric kits

Cipete Selatan Urban Village Head, Fuad said through this Posyandu, the toddler's health, growth, and development are routinely monitored.

"We involve Posyandu cadres and health workers to check height and weight, as well as check toddlers' teeth," he expressed, Monday (6/10).

35 Toddlers in Kedoya Selatan Received Assistance with Nutritious Additional Food

He explained this Posyandu for toddlers is also an effort to prevent stunting. Hence, his party reminded Posyandu cadres to improve their skills and knowledge regarding handling stunting properly and correctly.

"For skills, they (cadres) must be able and accustomed to using anthropometric kits, and can make nutritious additional food from various kinds of processed healthy food sources," he explained.

One of the toddlers' parents, Minarti (38) admitted she routinely checked his child's progress at the Posyandu every month.

Even, she always followed the directions of PKK cadres and health workers to provide healthy and nutritious food to toddlers.

"I appreciate them because they always focus on the toddlers in the environment. We always ask questions and regularly pay attention to the development of our toddlers," she admitted.

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