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600 Warga Diprogramkan Mengikuti Pelatihan SIM A di Jakbar
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600 People to Participate Driving Training in West Jakarta

West Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency is about to hold driving training for 600 participants.

support its residents getting job

West Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency Head, Jackson Sitorus, said 600 participants who will get SIM (driving license) A come from eight sub-districts in West Jakarta. This year's participants are lower compared to last year by 1,200 participants.

"This training is held by Jakarta Provincial Government to support its residents getting job," he said, Friday (6/14).

Skills Training Target 1,170 Residents in South Jakarta

Jackson added that the training will be held 12 days namely one day for learning, 10 days for training, and last day for getting SIM A.

The conditions that must be met to take part in this program are residents of West Jakarta, being physically and mentally healthy, and having a desire to improve their work.

"Many people have registered and are currently in the process of selecting participant administrative files. Meanwhile, the activity itself will take place in July 2024," he closed.

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