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Pemprov DKI - Hotel Borobudur Bersinergi Gelar Discover Heritage Jakarta
photo Folmer -

Don't Forget to Visit Discover Jakarta Heritage at Borobudur Hotel

Jakarta Provincial Government cooperates with Borobudur Hotel hold 'Discover Jakarta Heritage'. The event is held to enliven Jakarta's 497 Anniversary and Borobudur Hotel's 50th Anniversary.

The event will be held up to June 30, 2024

Discover Jakarta Heritage was officially launched by Jakarta Regional Cooperation Bureau Head, Marulina Dewi at Borobudur Hotel, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Saturday (6/22).

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"The event will be held up to June 30, 2024 to show Jakarta's charm," she said, Saturday (6/22).

Various collection of Bahari Museum, Batik Museum, Keramik Museum, Wayang Museum, and Sejarah Jakarta Museum will be exhibited there.

"Museums for the global world are something interesting. It is hoped visitors will be more attracted to visit Jakarta Provincial Government's museums after seeing those collections here," she added.

According to her, micro, small and medium enterprises under Jakarta Provincial Government's management will also promote and sell their products during the event.

"We'll also provide a talk show to talk about Jakarta history with credible speakers," she continued.

Meanwhile, Borobudur Hotel Director of Marketing Communication, Karina Eva Poetry, stated Discover Heritage Jakarta is not just an exhibition, but invites the public to get to know the history of Jakarta which is packaged in talk shows to explore it from an archaeological and artistic perspective.

"The talk show presents Jakarta city experts to interact directly with the public to discuss the history of Jakarta," she added.

She said that Discover Heritage Jakarta is one form of Hotel Borobudur's contribution and consistency in continuing to preserve and promote culture in Indonesia.

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