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BPBD Bekali Penyandang Disabilitas dalam Penanggulangan Bencana
photo Istimewa -

BPBD Equips People with Disabilities in Disaster Management

The Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) held training to increase the capacity of people with disabilities in disaster management, Tuesday (6/25).

They hope training like this can continue and be adopted by other regions in Indonesia

This training aimed to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of the disabled community in facing emergency and disaster situations. It involved various activities ranging from evacuation simulations and emergency aids to educational sessions regarding types of disasters and mitigation measures.

Jakarta BPBD Head, Isnawa Adji said that through this capacity building program, people with disabilities in Jakarta were expected to be more resilient in facing disasters.

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"As well as being able to contribute to disaster management efforts in their respective communities actively," he stated.

According to him, Jakarta BPBD was working with various disability organizations and social institutions to ensure the training materials suited the specific needs of the participants. The training itself received appreciation from various parties, including non-governmental organizations that care about disability issues.

"They hope training like this can continue and be adopted by other regions in Indonesia," he added.

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