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Tamhut Jakpus Tangani 10 Pohon Tumbang Terdampak Hujan Angin
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

10 Fallen Trees Handled by Central Jakarta Tamhut Agency

Central Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency handled 10 fallen trees caused by heavy rain and strong wind, Wednesday (7/3) in the afternoon.

Some of them have been successfully handled by our officers

Central Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency Head, Mila Ananda, admitted her side deployed team to handle the fallen trees.

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Although it did not result in fatalities or serious injuries, Mila explained, a number of fallen trees caused damage to public infrastructure and community property.

"We immediately followed up on incidents of fallen trees in a number of locations," she admitted. 

Mila added her party has tried to anticipate incidents by carrying out routine pruning and monitoring trees prone to falling.

"We also always get input from the community through CRM if there are trees that are shady and prone to falling," she added.

Central Jakarta City Park and Forestry's Green Lane and Cemetery Section Head, Budi Hidayat, explained of 10 fallen trees, seven of then were in Menteng Sub-district, then the rests were in Johar Baru by one tree and Tanah Abang Sub-districts by two trees.

"Menteng Sub-district has many fallen trees up to 6 PM," he explained.

A fallen tree in the Menteng Sub-district, namely the Pace Tree with a diameter of 45 centimeters on Jalan Sukabumi, broke. Then one banyan tree and tamarind tree each on Jalan Mohammad Yamin.

Next, a banyan tree with a diameter of 70 centimeters on Jalan Situbondo fell onto a resident's wall and PLN cables.

Furthermore, there was a Tanjung tree on Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, a banyan tree on Jalan Pekalongan, and a tamarind tree on Jalan Kalipasir.

Two trees fell in the Tanah Abang Sub-district area, namely the Tanjung tree on Jalan Pejompongan and Jalan Penjernihan. Meanwhile, fallen trees in the Johar Baru Sub-district area occurred on Jalan Kramat Sentiong Ujung.

"Some of them have been successfully handled by our officers. We are still inventorying and handling the total number, but so far there have been no reports of fatalities or serious injuries," he admitted.

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