Illegal Buildings Using City Govt Assets on Jalan Kemenyan I Demolished
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Personnel tore down illegal buildings standing atop the Jakarta Government-owned land on Jalan Kemenyan I, RT 11/05, Ciganjur Urban Village, Jagakarsa Sub-district.
We send 170 join personnel
South Jakarta City Administration Assistant, Mukhlisin said this regulation referred to the Jakarta Governor's Instruction Number 142/2016 on the Security of Jakarta Government Assets.
"This regulation also refers to South Jakarta Mayor's Instruction Number e-0016/2024 on the Implementation of Land and Building Order," he expressed, Monday (2/17).
Illegal Buildings Under Ex-Tugu 66 Bridge Torn DownPrior to the demolish
ment was done, land users have received guidance, socialization, warning letters, and the stage of verification research on legal and physical data."To the location, we send 170 join personnel from South Jakarta administration, national army, and police, including excavators," he explained.
South Jakarta Satpol PP Acting Head, Rahmat Efendi Lubis added the demolishment was focused on illegal buildings and fishing spots.
"We do it with a humanistic, persuasive, and firm approach. Afterward, we will maintain this asset properly for 24 hours," he explained.
South Jakarta Asset Sub-agency Head, Imelda Majid uttered the asset owned by the Jakarta Education Agency, covering an area of 5,891 square meters, would be developed into a school intended for the residents of Jagakarsa Sub-district.
"This asset will be used for the benefit of the wider community," he stated.