Free Nutritious Meals Provided for SDN Susukan 08 Pagi Students
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The free nutritious meal (MBG) is provided for 375 students of SDN Susukan 08 Pagi, Ciracas Sub-district, East Jakarta.
as breakfasting meal
SDN Susukan 08 Pagi Headmaster, Mahrus Albasrie said menu provided is changed due to Ramadan month. The students get banana, dates, chicken egg and sereal.
"Usually, the menu are rice, vegetable, side dishes, and fruit," he said, Friday (3/7).
City Council Chairman Supports Environmental Agency Manages MBG`s Food WasteMahrus explained the distribution was run at 7:30 AM by the MGB provider and directly monitored by Ciracas District's Education Implementer Unit Supervisor.
"Students get one tote bag contains MBG to ease them bring it home as breakfasting meal," he added.
Meanwhile, one of the students of Class IV SDN Susukan 08 Pagi, Azzam Syauqi admitted happy to get MBG.
"Thanks God we still get MBG. The package is brought home as breakfasting meal ," he admitted.