23 Illegal Billboards in Senen Controlled
access_time November 12 2015 03:59 PM remove_red_eye 2341
Reported by Jhon Syah Putra Kaban | Translated by Cintya Meliza
Reported by Jhon Syah Putra Kaban | Translated by Cintya Meliza
At least 23 illegal billboards in Senen Sub-District, were controlled, Thursday (11/12). Besides ruining beauty of city, those have also violated Bylaw No. 8/2007 on Public Order.
The billboars are installed on i nappropriate place and not paying tax as the applicable rules
Senen Sub-District Vice Head, Dedy Arif stated that the controlling which was conducted for 2 days focused in 35 points.
4 Cigarrete Billboards in Penjaringan Not Yet Dismantled
"The billboards are installed on inappropriate place and not paying tax as the applicable rules," he explained, Thursday (11/12).
Those 35 points are including
Jalan Kramat Sentiong, Jalan Pramuka Raya, Jalan Kalibaru Timur, and Jalan Salemba Tengah.
"We're going to keep controlling gradually, while our officers are also still controlling on protocol road," he stated.