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Waduk Ria Rio
Jakpro Sumbang Rp 10 Miliar Untuk Normalisasi Waduk Ria Rio.
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PT Jakpro Disbursed Rp 10 Billion for Ria Rio Reservoir Normalization

PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as a city-owned enterprise (BUMD) disbursed Rp 10 billion for Ria Rio Reservoir normalization. The money will be used for design making, paying consultant, and performing environmental impact analysis (Amdal).

PT Jakpro or Pulomas bears almost Rp 10 billion for design, consultant, environmental impact analysis, etc. We’re collaborating

PT Jakpro Director, Budi Karya Sumadi, said the construction of Ria Rio Reservoir is done by several institutions. Thus, his enterprise has the chance to give help through corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. “PT Jakpro or Pulomas bears almost Rp 10 billion for design, consultant, environmental impact analysis, etc. We’re collaborating,” he stated at City Hall, Wednesday (4/30).

About the consultant, Sumadi told that they are from Singapore, using new concept of terracing. “Atelier (architecture consultant) is from Singapore. We’ll make a design because this is a new concept. The engineering design will be done from June to August this year,” he uttered.

Brigif Reservoir in South Jakarta Built as Flood Mitigation

Meanwhile, Jakarta Public Works Department as well as Parks and Cemeteries Department have already started the construction of pool and park. Ria Rio Reservoir normalization itself is targeted to finish in 2015. “Public Works Department will make small things first, including making the pool. Parks and Cemeteries Department make the park afterwards,” he explained.

From 25 hectares of total Ria Rio Reservoir area, 18 hectares will be transformed into green lane and water reservoir, with some parts as terracing so the area would not drought during dry season. Later, the dry area will be used as playground. “During rainy season, the terracing will become captive area to hold the flood,” he informed.

By normalizing it, Ria Rio Reservoir will be able to accommodate 180,000 cubic meters of water from previously only 65,000 cubic meters of water. And if it well constructed, the reservoir would be able to prevent flood for 25 years. “Insya Allah (with God’s will), Pulomas would not be flooded again,” expressed Sumadi.

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