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Atasi Genangan, Saluran Air Baru Dibuat di Jl Sarang Bango
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Water Channel Provided at Jalan Sarang Bango

North Jakarta Sub-dept. of Water Management provides water channel at Jalan Sarang Bango, Marunda, Cilincing.

It’s already started since a week ago

Water channel which is provided in front of SMKN 49 building is aimed to overcome inundation at the area.

Cilincing Sub-district Head Section of Water Management, Sarifudin, said the channel is built along 400 meters and width by 80 cm.

Channel Plastering Project on Jl Ancol Barat II Is Stagnant

“It’s already started since a week ago. The area had no channel before,” he said, Saturday (9/17).

According to him, the channel is built by using river stone. It is targeted the project to complete in the next two months.

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