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DKI Ubah Pola Aliran Air ke Saluran
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City to Change Channel Water Flow Pattern

Jakarta Provincial Government is about to change the pattern of channel water flow. It is because many water conduits are obstructed by trash and soil.

We need to provide sewer to decrease water conduit burden

Jakarta Governor, Basuki T. Purnama, said his side will provide small sewer on roadside. It means water will flow before entering the water conduits.

“We need to provide sewer to decrease water conduit burden,” he said, Monday (9/19).

Street Sweepers Still Dispose Trash into Channel

According to him, it needs time. Providing the small sewer will also change the asphalting method.

As known, inundation in Jakarta moves from one area to another. Inundation is also caused by clogged water conduit. It means water can not flow maximally to the channel.

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