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Bangunan Disegel
idak adanya pengolahan limbah yang memenuhi standar, akhirnya usaha home industri batik di RT 03 RW 03, Kelurahan Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi, ditutup secara permanen oleh Pemkot Jakarta Selatan. Limbah yang dihasilkan usaha batik telah sering dikeluhkan.
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Polluting Environment, Batik Home Industry Closed Down

Due to substandard waste treatment, a batik home industry at RT 03/03, Karet Semanggi Urban Village, Setiabudi Sub-District, South Jakarta, is permanently closed by South Jakarta Administration. Because of its wastes, the surrounding environment becomes polluted, especially the groundwater.

What is worst is that the batik home industry in Karet Semanggi Urban Village does not have permits, starting environment document permit from KLH, industry permit, trading license (SIUP), Nuisance Act (UUG) from Satpol PP, as well as domicile permit from local urban village

Chief of RT 03/03, Soni Sugiyanto, said the residents have complained about the home industry because of polluting the environment. From those complaints, he has urged and warned the industry owner since early 2012 to close down the business. However, the industry owner asked for time until the end of 2012 due to considering his workers.

“From the time given until Eid ul Fitr in 2012, the owner still didn’t close down the industry. I finally reported it to RW, urban village, sub-district, until South Jakarta Environment Agency (KLH) office to follow up immediately,” he uttered, Thursday (5/15).

Violating Building Permit, Home Industry in Penjaringan Raided

From that report, South Jakarta KLH officials directly summoned the industry owner who promised to close down their business.

“We gave one month until May for the industry owner to close down their business. But before the period ends, the owner already closed down the business at the end of April,” stated Head of South Jakarta KLH Environment Dispute Resolution Facilitation Section, Idawati.

Meanwhile, Head of South Jakarta KLH, Masfud, admitted that home industries in South Jakarta have polluted the environment, especially the groundwater. Moreover, they are located in areas designated for residential, not business locations.

What is worst is that the batik home industry in Karet Semanggi Urban Village does not have permits, starting environment document permit from KLH, industry permit, trading license (SIUP), Nuisance Act (UUG) from Satpol PP, as well as domicile permit from local urban village,” he uttered.

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