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Transaksi FGJS 2014 Ditarget Rp 13,5 Triliun
Rangkaian perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) DKI ke-487 dalam waktu dekat mulai digelar. Salah satunya, Festival Jakarta Great Sale (FJGS) 2014. Acara tahunan ini akan diikuti oleh 75 pusat perbelanjaan di ibu kota, dengan target transaksi mencapai Rp .
photo Erna Martiyanti -

2014 Jakarta Great Sale Festival Set to Begin in June

We are optimistic to raise the target transaction of Rp 13.5 trillion from initial target reached 11.8 trillion last year

In welcoming and enlivening the Jakarta's 487th anniversary, the city administration has prepared various events. One of them is the 2014 Jakarta Great Sale Festival (FJGS), where it will be participated by 75 shopping centers. The transaction target this year is about 13.5 trillion or increasing than last year which was Rp 11.8 trillion.

Chairwoman of the Indonesian Shopping Center Association (APPBI), Ellen Hidayat said the amount of shopping center this year is incremented by one, that is Baywalk Mall. That means the total amount of event participants has increased from 74 to 75 shopping centers. "We are optimistic to raise the target transaction of Rp 13.5 trillion from initial target reached 11.8 trillion last year," she stated, West Jakarta, Wednesday (5/21).

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It is also supported because the visitor target also expected to increase by 30 percent. The event will be held on June 7-July 19 with the theme 'New Jakarta, Forward Jakarta'. Besides shopping center, the event is also supported by related associations such as retailers, small and medium enterprises (UKM) and cooperatives, cafes, restaurants, banks, hotels, and airlines.

Ellen stated that the event will involve the UKM and is hoped to help introduce the UKM's creative products. Through this program, people also hoped able to get used to shop local products. "This program may be one of the shopping destinations, either domestic and foreign tourists could certainly increase state revenues," she expressed.

The promoted programs to enliven the Jakarta Great Sale Festival are discount up to 70 percent and grand midnight sale in 15 malls on June 21-22. They are Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Senayan City, Cilandak Town Square, Kalibata City Square, Kota Kasablanka, Pejaten Village, Blok M Plaza, Tebet Green, Semanggi Plaza, Central Park, Mal Taman Palem, Emporium Pluit Mall, Kelapa Gading Mall, Baywalk Mall, and Arion Mall.

Responding on this matter, Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Arie Budhiman revealed that such events effect on local revenue (PAD) and tax includes restaurant and parking. "The local revenue keeps increasing each year, like distribution from Jakarta Great Seal Festival. It looks from its fluctuation, where the peak season happens in June-July during the festival implementation," he reported.

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