PMP Funding for PD PAM Jaya Postponed
Reported by Jhon Syah Putra Kaban | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
City Council's Banggar has postponed the discussion of funding of the government capital (PMP) for City-owned water operator PD PAM Jaya.
Until today, the flat occupants have difficulties to get clean water. That's why it must be prioritized there
Vice Chairman of City Council's Banggar, Triwisaksana assessed, PD PAM Jaya has yet to accommodate proposal about fulfillment of clean water in Kamal Muara and Marunda flats, North Jakarta.
"Until today, the flat occupants have difficulties to get clean water. That's why it must be prioritized there," he stated, Monday (11/14).
Two BUMDs Recommended to Receive PMPHe explained, initially, the fund was approved at Rp 300 billion. But, it should be postponed because water pump installation was not right on target.
"We stop it after we get the careful planning. Principally, the two locations should be a top priority. Let's wait the new plan until tomorrow," he asserted
As for the information, a sum of PMP fund towards BUMD that has been approved by each PT MRT was Rp 4.6 trillion, PT Jakpro Rp 1.2 trillion, PT Transjakarta Rp 420 billion and PD Pasar Jaya Rp 200 billion.