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DPRD Cek Kesiapan Pelaksanaan Pilkada di Jaksel
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DPRD Checked Pilkada Readiness in South Jakarta

Jakarta City Council (DPRD) Commission A conducted a working visit in South Jakarta, Thursday (1/18), to check readiness of Gubernatorial Election (Pilkada) on February 15.

This is our first visit to KPUD in city level

"This is our first visit to Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) in city level. Next, we have schedule to check another area," said Riano P. Ahmad, head of City Council Commission A, Thursday (1/19).

According to him, South Jakarta KPUD office location must find a fixed place rather than moving from one place to another. So, it will not disturb Pilkada process.

E. Jakarta KPUD Collects Rawa Bebek Flat Occupant Data

"Previously, it was placed in Mayor office and now occupying in the former sub-district office. According to the law, it must prepare infrastructure needs," he added.

He also remarked about evidence letter to citizen who already been recorded but not having e-ID card yet. His side asked to watch it since it is prone to violation.

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