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Sumarsono Minta Masyarakat Sukseskan Pilkada
photo Reza Hapiz -

Jakartans Must Succeed Pilkada

Jakarta Acting Governor, Sumarsono urged Jakartans to support the implementation of 2017 Pilkada, which falls on February 15, 2017.

I also urge residents to succeed pilkada and develop Jakarta together

"I also urge residents to succeed pilkada and develop Jakarta together," said Sumarsono, during silaturahmi along with RT/RW, LMK and City Council in Central Jakarta, at Pertamina building, Cempaka Putih, Thursday (12/15).

In that occasion, his party also collected public aspiration to be followed up.

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"There are 15 questions and the most basic is about increase in operational cost of RT/RW and followed by cleanliness and so on," he closed.

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